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The Life and Times of Stella Browne: feminist and free spirit, IB Tauris, 2011
Do contact me if you are unable to access any of these articles or chapters and I will do my best to supply a copy.
'"I have never met the normal woman": Stella Browne and the politics of womanhood', Women's History Review, Vol 6 no 2, 1997 [copies available on request]
'Feminist reconfigurations of heterosexuality in the 1920s', in Sexology and Culture: Labelling Bodies and Desires, edited by Lucy Bland and Laura Doan, Polity Press, 1998
'"What a lot there is still to do': Stella Browne (1880-1955) carrying the struggle ever onward', in A Suffrage Reader: Charting directions in British suffrage history, 1850-1950, edited by Claire Eustance, Joan Ryan, and Laura Ugolini, Leicester University Press/Cassell, 2000
'"Not a domestic utensil, but a woman and a citizen": Stella Browne on women, health and society' in Regenerating England: science, medicine and culture in inter-war Britain, edited by Chris Lawrence and Anna-K Mayer, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2000: Clio Medica 60: downloadable pdf available free
'The Next Generation; Stella Browne, the new woman as freewoman', in Angelique Richardson and Chris Willis, The New Woman in Fiction and Fact, London, Palgrave/Macmillan: 2001: further info
'"In great haste": the personal and the political in the letters of F. W. Stella Browne (1880-1955), feminist socialist sex radical', in Gender and Politics in the Age of Letter-Writing: 1750-2000, edited by Caroline Bland and Maire Cross, Ashgate, 2004
Entry for F W Stella Browne in The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004
'Stella Browne and the German Radical Sex Reform Tradition', in Sisters of Subversion: Histories of Women, Tales of Gender: A Festschrift edited by Willem de Blecourt, AMB Amsterdam, 2008
Also mentions in
'"Disinterested enthusiasm for sexual misconduct": the British Society for the Study of Sex Psychology, 1913-1947' Journal of Contemporary History Vol. 30, 1995 [copies available on request]
'Suffrage, Sex and Science', in The Women's Suffrage Movement, New Feminist Perspectives, edited by Maroula Joannou and June Purvis, Manchester University Press, 1998
'Women, Feminism and Eugenics', in Essays in the History of Eugenics: proceedings of a conference organised by the Galton Institute, London, 1997, edited by Robert A. Peel, The Galton Institute, London, 1998
Sexology Uncensored: A Source Book, edited by Lucy Bland and Laura Doan, Polity Press, 1998, includes some extracts from Stella's writings
'Sexuality', Women in Twentieth Century Britain, edited by Ina Zweiniger-Bargielowska, Pearson Educational, 2001
'"Arrows of Desire": British Sexual Utopians of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century and the Politics of Health', in Free Love and the Labour Movement: papers presented at the workshop 'Free Love and the Labour Movement', International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, 6-7 October 2000, International Institute of Social History Research Papers 40, Amsterdam, 2001 [copies available on request]
Outspoken Women: Women writing about sex, 1870-1969, Routledge, 2005
'A masculine mythology suppressing and distorting all the facts': British women contesting the concept of the male-as-norm, 1870-1930' in Histories of the Normal and the Abnormal: Social and cultural histories of norms and normativity, edited by Waltraud Ernst, Routledge, 2006
'Arrows of desire: British sex utopians and the politics of health', in Medicine, Madness and Social History: Essays in memory of Roy Porter, edited by Roberta Bivins and John Pickstone, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007
'Articulating abortion in interwar Britain, Women's History Magazine,Issue 70, Autumn 2012
'"Sentimental Follies" or "Instruments of Tremendous Uplift"? reconsidering women's same-sex relationships in interwar Britain', Women's History Review, Special Issue: Love, Desire and Melancholy: inspired by Constance Maynard, 2016
The British Society of the Study of Sex Psychology: 'Advocating the Culture of Unnatural and Criminal Practices'? in Simon Avery, Katherine M. Graham (eds), Sex, Time and Place: Queer Histories of London, c.1850 to the Present (2016)
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