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Archives of interest to the historian of sexuality

Conferences, Seminars, etc

Sites of General Interest: Resources

Sites of General Interest: Research Centres



Demography, reproduction, birth control, and eugenics

Family and childhood

Sexually-transmitted diseases

Electronic forums and e-mail lists

Conferences, Seminars, etc

History of Sexuality Seminar

European Social Science History Conference 2025: Sexuality Network Strand
26-29 March 2025, University of Leiden, NL

Queer Kinship across Time and Space
9-10 April 2025, Christ Church, University of Oxford

From Revolution to Manhood: Masculinity under Socialism
2 May 2025, University of Birmingham

Workshop: The Sexual Politics of Liberal Internationalism, 1990s to the Present
8-9 May 2025, University of Cambridge

Queer Pasts: What’s Queer in Queer History?
21 - 23 May 2025, University of Copenhagen

Stirring Queer and Trans Memory: Counterarchives and Peripheries
22-23 May 2025, Centre Cultural La Nau, Valencia, Spain

Inducing Intimacy: International Perspectives on Sexual Fraud
4 June 2025, online

Queer Theater against the State
Jun 5–6, 2025, University of Regensburg,

Legacies of Section 28
6- 7 June 2025, University College London

Queer Bibliography in the Making
11-13 June 2025, Newcastle University UK and online

Sex, Gender, and Liberation of the Jews in Eastern and Central Europe (1860–1945)
June 24–25, 2025, Uzhhorod, Ukraine

Sexual Health: Past, Present and Future: multidisciplinary workshop
2-3 July 2025, University of Birmingham, UK

Queer Histories of East Central Europe in the 20th Century
26-27 August 2025, Herder Institute, Marburg, Germany

HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: the Humanities and Social Sciences Perspectives
9-10 October 2025, University of Konstanz, Germany

Tenth International Gender and Sexuality Studies Conference: “The Past as Knowledge”
17-18 October 2025, University of Central Oklahoma

Always Here: Non-Binary Gender, Trans Identities, and Queerness in the Global Middle Ages (c. 250–1650)
October 24 – 25, 2025, Binghamton University (Binghamton, New York)

Lesbian Lives 2025: "The Lesbian International: Creating Networks of Knowledge Across Space and Time"
24-25 October 2025, Graduate Center CUNY, NYC

“Queer Journeys in North American Literature and Culture”
14–15 November 2025, University of Innsbruck,

The Women, Gender, and Sexuality Network of the Social Science History Association (SSHA) Conference: “Complexity and its Consequences”
November 20-23, 2025, Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, IL

Masculinities, Militaries, and Mass Violence in Transition - Second International MKGD-ZMSBw Conference
22-23 January 2026, Bundeswehr Centre of Military History and Social Sciences Potsdam, Germany

Further information about forthcoming conferences very welcome: e-mail me

Information about other conferences which may be of interest can be found at Women's History: Useful Links: Conferences

[Sites of General Interest: Resources] [Sites of General Interest: Research Centres][Journals/publishers][Lesbian/gay/transgender/queer] [Demography and reproduction]

[Family and Childhood] [Sexually-transmitted diseases] [Electronic forums and e-mail lists][Top]

Sites of General Interest: Resources

Perverse Collections: Building Europe’s Queer and Trans Archives: 'the project will map the growth of Europe’s queer and trans archives, from the 1970s to the present; it will comparatively explore the workings of these collections, including their relations to forms of state support, the understandings of LGBTQ+ history they promote locally, nationally, and internationally, and the alternative models of archiving some embody.'

SexBiblio: Bibliography of the History of Western Sexuality, 1700-1945
A bibliographic data base containing about 16,600 titles of the non-belletristic primary and secondary literature of the history of sexuality in Europe and Northern America from 1700 to 1945. Also includes important titles in sexual history of antiquity and the middle ages, as well as contemporary times, and titles on non-Western societies. Now in its 3rd Edition.

The History of Rape : A Bibliography

The Magnus Hirschfeld Gesellschaft, Berlin
and now has an online exhibition about the Berlin Institute for Sexual Science, 1919-1933

The Freud Museum

Magnus Hirschfeld Archive at Humboldt University: formerly the Archive for Sexology, Berlin
In English and Spanish: includes a chronology of sex research, full text of Vern Bullough's Science in the Bedroom, papers on historical aspects of sexology, and many original historical documents about the German-Jewish pioneers of sexology. Also a freely available online course, other courses, two full-text sexological encyclopedias and a critical dictionary of sexology. Plus a world-wide directory of sexological institutions, organizations, resource centers, training programs, and scientific journals.

Scissors and Paste Bibliographies
A site on authors and publishers (and library holdings) of erotic literature by Patrick J. Kearney, author of The Private Case (1981), on the erotica collection of the British Library

Museum of Sex, New York.

Canadian Committee on the History of Sexuality:
variety of resources for teaching and research, CFP and publishing opportunities, information about annual article prize, and the online version of annual newsletter, how to join mail-list.

gender Inn, the Women's and Gender Studies Database on the Internet
A searchable database providing access to over 7,500 records pertaining to feminist theory, feminist literary criticism and gender studies focusing on English and American literature

Online with Project Gutenberg
Havelock Ellis, Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Vols 1-6
Sigmund Freud, Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex

Elsewhere on Freud, an outline of his Psychosexual Development Theory, with further links (submitted by Julianna, a student doing a psychology course at Jefferson District Library CA)

International Otto Gross Society
'The Otto Gross phenomenon symbolizes the search for a better society, for the dissolution of repressive relationships between the sexes, for utopias in times that lack strong concepts and meaning.'

History of Circumcision

Critical issues in Sex and Sexuality project; also, on the same site, The Erotic: Exploring Critical Issues and Good Sex, Bad Sex: Sex Law, Crime and Ethics; and the Gender and Sexuality Hub

Critical Sexology:
'a London-based, interdisciplinary seminar series for psychologists, psychoanalysts, medical doctors, literary and cultural studies scholars, philosophers, artists, lawyers and historians with a critical interest in the construction and management of gender and sexuality in the medical, discursive and cultural spheres'

Studies in Scarlet: Marriage and Sexuality in the U.S. & U.K., 1815-1914
'Drawn from the Harvard Law School Library's extensive trial collections... images of the texts of more than 450 separately published trial narratives printed in the United States or the United Kingdom from 1815 until 1914.... divorce, domestic violence, adultery, bigamy, breach of promise to marry, and the custody of children... murder and rape. Featured are trials concerning the wealthy and the renowned.... The larger part of the collection, however, consists of the stories of ordinary men and women thrust into the public eye when their marriages and love affairs went wrong, or their relationships did not conform to social standards.'

The International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society (IASSCS)
to provide a forum for expanding and developing sexuality as a legitimate area of scholarship.

Sir Richard Francis Burton - Explorer of the Sotadic Zone:
'His famous (or infamous) essay on pederasty is reproduced here, complete and unexpurgated, with added footnote annotation'

Leather Archives & Museum

Judy Greenway's research on sex and gender

Transgender Archives at the University of Victoria

OutHistory: U.S. Homophile Internationalism: Archive and Exhibit

Prof. Dr. Erwin J. Haeberle's Online Archive, Archives for Sexology: founded in 1994 by Prof. Dr. Erwin J. Haeberle's Online Archive, now donated to the Kinsey Institute

HISTSEX: This is The History Of Sexuality: A freely-available, peer-reviewed, and open-source resource by sex educators, historians, and librarians active in sexuality fields.

The Queer Heritage and Collections Network: a UK-wide Subject Specialist Network that provides training, networking and peer support to people working with LGBTQ+ collections and histories.

The Australian Queer Archives: 'the largest collection of material relating to Australian LGBTIQ+ life, and the largest collection of non-Australian LGBTIQ+ material in Australia'.

[Conferences] [Sites of General Interest: Research Centres][Journals/publishers][Lesbian/gay/transgender/queer] [Demography and reproduction]

[Family and Childhood] [Sexually-transmitted diseases] [Electronic forums and e-mail lists][Top]

Sites of General Interest: Research Centres

Center for Gender Studies
University of Chicago

Strathclyde Centre in Gender Studies

Centre for Gender and Women's Studies, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne

AHRC Centre for Law, Gender and Sexuality
A partnership between the Universities of Kent, Keele and Westminster.

GENCAS: Centre for Research into Gender in Culture and Society
University of Wales Swansea

Centre for the Study of Sexuality and Culture
University of Manchester

The Fisher Center for the Study of Women and Men
at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY

Cambridge Centre for Gender Studies

Annual Summer Institute on Sexuality, Society and Culture
International School for Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Amsterdam

Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies (CIGS), University of Leeds

Institute for Gender Studies
Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands

The Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies, Toronto

Centre for the Interdisciplinary Study of Sexuality and Gender in Europe, University of Exeter

Centre for Research in Sex, Gender and Sexuality
Roehampton University

Birkbeck Institute for Gender and Sexuality Studies

Brighton and Sussex Sexualities Network

Gender Institute, London School of Economics

National Sexuality Research Center, San Francisco State University

Centre for Sex, Gender and Sexualities, Durham University

The Love Research Network

University of Birmingham Sexuality and Gender Studies

LGBT Research Community, University of Southampton

Rethinking Sexology: The Cross-Disciplinary Invention of Sexuality: Sexual Science Beyond the Medical, 1890-1940, University of Exeter

Trafficking Past; Exploring sex, work and migration in modern history

Sexual Harms and Medical Encounters (SHaME) is a research project exploring the role of medicine and psychiatry in sexual violence.


NOTCHES: (re)marks on the history of sexuality

Lisa Downing's blog, Sex Critical

In several cases these links go to the home page of the publisher rather than directly to the page for the journal in question

'Mundane Sex' issue (Vol 3 no 1) of Journal of Mundane Behavior, 'a blind peer-reviewed scholarly and publicly-oriented journal devoted to the study of the "unmarked" -- those aspects of our everyday lives that typically go unnoticed by us, both as academics and as everyday individuals' [Jan 2011 - The journal website appears to be defunct]

Journal of the History of Sexuality

Sexualities: studies in culture and society
founded in 1998, with a 'broad, interdisciplinary perspective'.

Journal of Family History

Continuity and Change
Population and demographic history

Culture, Health and Sexuality

Social History of Medicine
Articles, reviews, and information on source materials, including quite a bit on matters relating to sexual and reproductive health (birth control, abortion, STDs, etc) as well as questions of gender in health care.

Studies in Gender and Sexuality
'Growing out of the traditions of feminist scholarship, postclassical and postmodern psychoanalytic theory, developmental research, and cultural studies, Studies in Gender and Sexuality provides a forum for examining gender and sexuality that is both multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary.'

Gender and History

The Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality
produced by the
Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, San Francisco

gender forum: an internet platform for gender and women's studies (online)

Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies
'a peer-reviewed, online journal committed to publishing insightful and innovative scholarship on gender studies and nineteenth-century British literature, art and culture'

Manchester University Press
Has a good history list with a strong interest in sex and gender issues, and published Franz Eder, Lesley Hall, and Gert Hekma's Sexual Cultures in Europe: National Histories and Themes in Sexuality [ for further details]

Continuum International (formerly Cassell Academic)
Strong gender/gender studies list, good coverage of lesbian/gay issues.

Haworth Press
publishes Journal of Homosexuality, Journal of Lesbian Studies and Journal of Bisexuality as well as books in these areas, also journals and books on Human Sexuality, Marriage and the Family, Women and Feminist Studies (though mostly from a contemporary social science/social policy perspective)

Transformations: online journal of region, culture and society:
Issue No. 8 (July 2004) - Regions of Sexuality

Romanticism on the Net:
Issues 36-37 (November 2004-February 2005): Special Guest-Edited Issue 'Queer Romanticisms'.

InterAlia : new international electronic journal of queer studies published in Poland and peer-edited by scholars based in Poland, Germany, and the U.S.

SQS - The Journal of Queer Studies in Finland in Finnish and English

Sexuality Research and Social Policy: Journal of NSRC (online)

Trikster: Nordic Queer Journal

Assuming Gender: An international, interdisciplinary journal

Journal of Bodies, Sexualities, and Masculinities

[Conferences][Sites of General Interest: Resources] [Sites of General Interest: Research Centres][Lesbian/gay/transgender/queer][Demography and reproduction]

[Family and Childhood] [Sexually-transmitted diseases] [Electronic forums and e-mail lists][Top]


QUEERBIB@jiscmail.ac.uk:, a discussion list for all those interested in queer bibliography, book history, print culture and queer approaches to printed matter and the material text.

History of Queer History Chronology: 'produced by Jonathan Ned Katz with the extensive help of Sara Slager and with the generous permission of Gerard Koskovich'

Queer Nineteen is a volunteer-run open access source for nineteenth-century resources on gender and sexuality.

People with a History: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans* History Sourcebook

The Edward Carpenter Archive
includes online texts of My Days and Dreams, Intermediate Types Among Primitive Folk, The Intermediate Sex and Iolaus: an anthology of friendship, as well as biographical and bibliographic information, and material on his music (a neglected aspect of this poly-facetted figure)
and now includes Carpenter's unpublished biography of his partner, George Merrill

The Hall-Carpenter Archives at the London School of Economics,
and the associated Lesbian and Gay Newsmedia Archive, which has recently moved to Bishopsgate Institute

ONE Institute and Archives: The International Gay and Lesbian Heritage/Research Center

Gay and Lesbian Studies at the University of Amsterdam

The Knitting Circle
Resources on lesbian and gay issues with special emphasis on higher education. Includes art, biography, film, government, history, law, literature, music, poetry, psychology, science, sociology, sports, and other related topics.
This site appears to have moved to its own domain c. 2006, but then vanished. Any more up to date information as to whether it still exists will be welcomed.

'an introduction to the stories and the people of modern gay history (1700-1973). The site is an ongoing project and most articles about gay male history from 1700-1900 have been completed.'

Essays on Gay History and Literature
Rictor Norton's very useful site on gay history.

E-Directory of GLBT Scholars
The E-Directory helps lesbigay and transgendered scholars connect regarding on-going manuscripts, conferences, and other scholarly projects. The full Directory is available to all who agree to be listed, and only to them. This is not a discussion list but rather, a resource list. The above link goes to its webpage. It now appears to be on hiatus, if not actually defunct, and is no longer being actively maintained.

Celebration 2000: Karl Heinrich Ulrichs
Early proponent of the view that homosexuality was neither sinful nor a crime.
with books by and about Ulrichs available for download

The Lesbian and Gay Studies Project
of the Center for Gender Studies of the University of Chicago

The Androphile Site
The World History of Male Love

An Electronic Journal for the Exchange of Information on Current Research, Publications and Productions concerning Oscar Wilde and his Circle
Special edition devoted to the homoerotic novel Teleny

La gaya scienza Giovanni Dall'Orto's website (in Italian) on gay history and culture

'the best online resources integrated with the best visual and textual resources in Queer Culture, Queer Theory, Queer Studies, Gender Studies and related fields'

The Old Dyke
A useful personal website on lesbians in history (archived version)

Queer Studies in Poland

We Raise our Voices: Gay and Lesbian Pride and Politics in Boston
Online exhibition from the social justice collections at Northeastern University

Larry Kramer Initiative for Lesbian and Gay Studies at Yale
Current exhibition, 'The Pink and the Blue: Lesbian and Gay Life at Yale and in Connecticut, 1642-2004'

Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies (CLAGS), New York
'university-based research center in the United States dedicated to the study of historical, cultural, and political issues of vital concern to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals and communities. Offers conferences and other public programming, awards fellowships.'

International Resource Network
'aims to link up researchers (from both academic and community bases) in areas related to diverse sexualities and genders.' [Jan 2011 - site appears to be defunct]

Transgender Law and Policy Institute
''dedicated to engaging in effective advocacy for transgender people in our society.' [Aug 2022 - site appears to be inaccessible: 'Forbidden. You don't have permission to access / on this server.@]

Out in the Redwoods
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender History at the University of California, Santa Cruz, 1965-2003

Daniel Guérin (1904-1988)
'Writer, historian, revolutionary theorist and activist, anticolonialist, syndicalist activist, campaigner for gay rights'

Bibliography of GLBTQ literature 1800-2004 (Swedish site)

ACT-UP Oral History Project

International Institute of Social History
Research Projects 'Homosexuality in the Netherlands in the 20th century'

'an interdepartmental and interdisciplinary research group that has been operating in the School of Humanities since 2003'. Organises'regular research seminars, public lectures, one-day symposia, readings, performances and class visits on queer topics'.

Proud Heritage
'Proud Heritage is the new national agency for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans history, heritage and lived experience. Our goal is to create a national museum at first online and then as a physical institution, reflecting the diverse experiences of LGBT people across the country and through time.' [Jan 2011 - site appears to be defunct]

The Queer Zine Archive Project (QZAP)
provides a free, on-line searchable database that allows users to download electronic copies in the collection

'1967 and All That'
The story of the 1967 Sexual Offences Act, using material from the Hall-Carpenter Archives at the London School of Economics and the Lesbian and Gay Newsmedia Archives at Middlesex University

Wayne R. Dynes' Homolexis Glossary
'an alphabetical roster of material on the historical semantics of same-sex love'

a site to record and promote Gay History, Queer History, LGBT History with a Scottish slant

Documenting the LGBTQH past in the U.S.A.: 'a website in development about gender and sexual history, a site that, at its best, should encourage us to think deeply and critically about historical evidence and what it means to understand LGBT and heterosexual life in the perspective of society and time'.

The LGBTQ Historical Review, an international association of doctoral students researching and documenting the LGBTQ past

Lost and Found: Queerying the Archive
An exhibition and publication focusing on memory and the writing of history in relationship to gender and sexuality.

Simeon Solomon Research Archive: on the life and work of Simeon Solomon (1840-1905), the gay, Anglo-Jewish, Pre-Raphaelite/Aesthetic artist

Queer Sexualities project
'to critically approach the concept off ‘queer sexualities’ by exploring constructions of sexuality in cultural discourse, aesthetic representation and modes of social practice across cultures and historical periods'.

Queer London Forum
'an organisation designed to foster discussion, debate and analysis around the idea of Queer London and London’s queers'

Pride of Place: LGBTQ Heritage Project: 'to explore and celebrate the relationship between lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) history and the country's historic buildings and spaces'.

Queer beyond London: an AHRC-funded collaboration between Birkbeck College, University of London and Leeds Beckett University to explore the local LGBTQ histories of Brighton, Leeds, Manchester and Plymouth.

GLBT Historical Society archives and museum, San Francisco: current exhibition Through Knowledge to Justice: The Sexual World of Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld (1868-1935)

CIRQUE - Centro interuniversitario di ricerca queer

Vicky Iglikowski-Broad's posts on The National Archives blog on LGBTQ materials in TNA holdings

Lesbian London, Past and Present: Community Research Project

Queering Family Violence: Violence against LGBTQI+ family members in the past and present societies: 'aims at bringing together the studies of violence against LGBTQI+ people within the family in the past and present-day societies and revealing long-term patterns of violence within the family.'

Waterloo Cross-Dressing Archive: 'This website gives you access to a growing database of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century periodical records of the real-world adoption of gender-variant garb. By "cross-dressing," we refer to material practices involving the adoption of gender-variant clothing, including for the purposes of expressing one's gender.'

Digital Transgender Archive: 'we treat transgender as a practice rather than an identity, so we include materials by and about people who trans- gender in some way, not just those who refer to themselves as transgender. Though the project is called the Digital Transgender Archive, the term transgender is more complicated than it seems and visitors should be aware that many people represented in the collection would not use the term themselves. We try to be very careful with the language we use to describe people and we would encourage you to do the same'.

The Anne Lister Society: 'UNESCO honored Anne Lister’s journals as a pivotal document in British history, adding them to its Memory of the World register in 2011. In the history of sexuality, novelist and critic Emma Donoghue aptly likened emergence of the diaries to the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls.'

[Conferences][Sites of General Interest: Resources] [Sites of General Interest: Research Centres][Journals/publishers][Demography and reproduction]

[Family and Childhood] [Sexually-transmitted diseases] [Electronic forums and e-mail lists][Top]

Demography, Reproduction, Birth Control, and Eugenics

Jessica Borge's PhD project on 'Communicating Contraception in the Age of the Pill'; blogpost on "How Orals Altered the 1960s Marketplace in 1960s Britain", and image gallery The Oral Contraceptive Trade in Britain: Print Marketing Collateral, 1961-1969.

World Population: A Guide to WWW by Richard Jensen
Links to do with demography, population, reproductive health, etc, mainly contemporary but some with historical relevance.

Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies

Eugenics Archive: Image Archive on the American Eugenics Movement
'can serve as a model for other online projects on the history and social interpretation of modern science - especially those involving the release of sensitive documents'. Impressive.

American Experience Online Presents The Pill

History of the Pregnancy Test

Planned Museum for Contraception and Abortion, Austria (site in German)

The Galton Institute, London

Indiana Eugenics: History and legacy, 1907-2007:
'On April 9, 1907 the Governor of Indiana signed into law a bill passed by the state legislature that provided for the involuntary sterilization of "confirmed criminals, idiots, imbeciles and rapists." Although it was eventually found to be unconstitutional, this law is widely regarded as the first eugenics sterilization legislation passed in the world.'

The Dr. William M. Scholl Center for Family and Community History

Local Population Studies Society

Neo-Malthusianism: Birth Control in the Netherlands
'a digital exhibition on the introduction of birth control in the Netherlands between 1870 and 1940, and the accompanying debate'.

Protective Practices: A History of the London Rubber Company and the Condom Business

[Conferences][Sites of General Interest: Resources] [Sites of General Interest: Research Centres][Journals/publishers][Lesbian/gay/transgender/queer][Demography and reproduction]

[Family and Childhood] [Sexually-transmitted diseases] [Electronic forums and e-mail lists][Top]

Family and Childhood

‘New Histories of Divorce', 1857-1923

Centre for Family Research, University of Cambridge
formerly the Child Care and Development Group

Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure

The Centre for Research on Family, Kinship and Childhood, Leeds
Established to forge interdisciplinary links with researchers and practitioners from a varied range of disciplines with a principal focus on family life structure, kinship patterns and the changing nature of childhood.

Centre for Research on Families and Relationships, University of Edinburgh

An e-mail list for exchange of ideas and resources among teachers and researchers of childhood and family history in Britain and Europe

H-Child: History of Childhood and Youth

Institute of Psychohistory
'Psychohistory, the science of historical motivation, combines the insights of psychotherapy with the research methodology of the social sciences to understand the emotional origin of the social and political behavior of groups and nations, past and present. The center of psychohistorical research around the globe is The Institute for Psychohistory, which is headquartered in New York City and has 18 branches in other countries.'

Archives of H-Psychohistory
moderated discussion list now defunct

[Conferences][Sites of General Interest: Resources] [Sites of General Interest: Research Centres][Journals/publishers][Lesbian/gay/transgender/queer]

[Sexually-transmitted diseases][Electronic forums and e-mail lists][Top]

STDs p align="center">Histories of Sexual Health in Britain, 1918–1980: Histories of Sexual Health in Britain is an interdisciplinary project supported by the UKRI. It traces our sexual-health histories from the end of the First World War to the beginning of the AIDS crisis and brings those histories to bear on health challenges and inequalities facing us today.

AIDS in Culture
'AIDSinCULTURE.org is an international and interdisciplinary academic organization currently based in Mexico City dedicated to the study of Aids in its cultural context'

Syphilis and Aids: lessons from history [Jan 2011: this useful site of links appears to have become defunct]

[Conferences][Sites of General Interest][Journals/publishers][Lesbian/gay/transgender/queer]

[Demography and reproduction] [Family and Childhood] [Electronic forums and e-mail lists][Top]

Electronic forums and e-mail lists

HISTSEX: a discussion list for historians of sexuality; left here for historical information: long since reincarnated as H-Histsex, part of H-Net Humanities and Social Sciences Online

QUEERBIB@jiscmail.ac.uk:, a discussion list for all those interested in queer bibliography, book history, print culture and queer approaches to printed matter and the material text.

Gender-Related Electronic Forums
An extremely compendious, annotated and frequently updated site by Joan Korenman

SandS - Socialism and Sexuality Discussion List

[Conferences][Sites of General Interest: Resources] [Sites of General Interest: Research Centres][Journals/publishers][Lesbian/gay/transgender/queer]

[Demography and reproduction] [Family and Childhood] [Sexually-transmitted diseases][Top]


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