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Research Resources
Organisations and Institutions
Conferences, Seminars, etc
Menstruation Sites
E-mail lists
Feminist Libraries & Archives Network
The Women's Library
(formerly Fawcett Library); Now at the London School of Economics
A beloved and cherished resource
Genesis: developing access to women's history sources in the British Isles does not seem to be being maintained: there is an archived version here but the information in it is no longer being kept up to date
Images from the Women's Library: Suffrage Collection and Suffrage Banners
Friends of the Women's Library
The Feminist Archive South/Feminist Archive North/Feminist Archive (East Midlands)
Institute of Education (University of London)
Useful source for archives of women in education
Archives for Research on Women and Gender Project
at the University of Texas at San Antonio Libraries
A resource guide, mostly but not entirely repositories in the USA
International Information Center and Archives of the Women's Movement, Amsterdam
Virtual Library of Women's History at the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, including VIVA: a bibliography of women's history
Biographical Dictionary of British Women Humanitarians, edited by Sybil Oldfield.
From History to Herstory: Yorkshire Women's Lives Online, 1100 to the present
The Mundus Gateway: missionary-related research resources (UK)
The Old Dyke
A useful personal website on lesbians in history (archived version)
Women of Brighton:
What it says. Surprising how many notable women have had some connection with the town. [Site seems to be restored after a hiatus]
gender Inn, the Women's and Gender Studies Database on the Internet
A searchable database providing access to over 7,500 records pertaining to feminist theory, feminist literary criticism and gender studies focusing on English and American literature
Australian Women's Archives Project
Archif Menywod Cymru / Women's Archive of Wales
Classic Feminist Writings from 'the Second Wave':
useful resource for now-hard-to-come-by texts from the 60s and 70s
Susan B Anthony: Celebrating "A Heroic Life"
Judy Greenway's research on feminism, anarchafeminism, and sex and gender
thesuffragettes.org.uk [formerly suffragette.org.uk]
Women and Social Movements, International— 1840 to Present
'a landmark collection of primary materials. Through the writings of women activists, their personal letters and diaries, and the proceedings of conferences at which pivotal decisions were made, this collection lets you see how women’s social movements shaped much of the events and attitudes that have defined modern life. We will be adding regularly to the database to bring it to its final complement of 150,000 pages of documents.'
FRAGEN: Core European feminist texts online
Women's History Sources
'a collaborative blog that serves as a current awareness tool for anyone
who is interested in primary sources at archives, historic sites and
museums, and libraries. Although there is an emphasis on U.S. women's
history, our goal is for the blog to be international in scope.'
"Woman and Her Sphere: Elizabeth Crawford's website: nuggets from her research and books for sale
The Hypatia Project Vicky Iglikowski-Broad's posts on The National Archives blog on women's suffrage-related materials in TNA holdings
Lesbian London, Past and Present: Community Research Project
"Time and Tide: Connections and Legacies": exploring the interwar history and ongoing relevance of Time and Tide, the influential feminist magazine that was launched in 1920. Founded by Welsh businesswoman and feminist Lady Rhondda, Time and Tide became one of the leading reviews of politics and culture during the interwar years, competitive with the New Statesman, and was the only woman-controlled publication of its kind.
See also Some favourite archives and resources
[Research Resources] [Organisations and Institutions] [Journals] [Conferences]
[E-mail lists] [Menstruation sites]
Organisations and Institutions
Women's History Network
And there's also the Women's History Scotland which is very lively.
WISE: Women's International Studies Europe
International Federation for Research in Women's History
The Sylvia Pankhurst Memorial Committee
Feminist Review Trust: Strathclyde Centre in Gender Studies
Institute for Feminist Theory and Research
Feminist Crime Research Network
The Fisher Center for the Study of Women and Men Cambridge Centre for Gender Studies
Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies (CIGS), University of Leeds
Women's Education, Research and Resource Centre, University College Dublin
Association for Women's Rights in Development
AHRB Centre for Law, Gender and Sexuality Centre for Research into Gender in Culture and Society Institute for Gender Studies Società Italiana delle Storiche Centre for the
Interdisciplinary Study of Sexuality and Gender in Europe, University of Exeter
Centre for Research in Sex, Gender and Sexuality History of Feminism Network History of Women Religious of Britain and Ireland
Birkbeck Institute for Gender and Sexuality Studies
MATILDA: the first Joint European Master Degree in Women’s and Gender History Gender Institute, London School of Economics
Women's Studies Group, 1558-1837
Femininity and Masculinity Project
Women, Internationalisms, and Gender 1848 to the Present
Centre for Sex, Gender and Sexualities, Durham University
International Centre for Victorian Woman Writers
University of Birmingham Sexuality and Gender Studies
WISRNet: Women in Science Research Network
Women, Work and Value in Europe, 1945-2015: 'This research network, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, brings together academics, members of the public, interest groups and policy makers to discuss the relevance of past experiences of work for the challenges facing today's society'.
The Bedford Centre for the History of Women: Promoting research into the history of women and gender and public histories of women
Trafficking Past; Exploring sex, work and migration in modern history
[Research Resources] [Organisations and Institutions] [Journals] [Conferences]
[E-mail lists] [Menstruation sites]
Spare Rib, complete run, 1972-93, online
gender forum: an internet platform for gender and women's studies. Online Journal
Journal of International Women's Studies Lilith: A Feminist History Journal Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies Aspasia L'HOMME. Europäische Zeitschrift für Feministische Geschichtswissenschaft/European Journal of Feminist History The Latchkey: A Journal of New Woman Studies
Clio. Histoire, Femmes et Sociétiés
HerStoria magazine and Discover Women's History Web
Journal of Research on Women and Gender: peer-reviewed online journal
Assuming Gender: An international, interdisciplinary journal
RE/VISIONIST Journal of Feminist Scholarship [Research Resources] [Organisations and Institutions] [Journals] [Conferences]
[E-mail lists] [Menstruation sites]
Women in the history of political thought The 33rd Annual 18th- and 19th-Century British Women Writers Conference: Transformations Additional conferences which
may be of interest can be found at Useful Links: History of Sexuality: Conferences
[Research Resources] [Organisations and Institutions] [Journals] [Conferences]
[E-mail lists] [Menstruation sites]
The Museum of Menstruation and Women's Health
The Museum of the Menovulatory Lifetime
The Keeper: reusable menstrual cup
Women's Environmental Network Seeing Red: sanitary protection and the environment (pdf)
Society for Menstrual Cycle Research
H-WOMEN e-mail discussion list
The Women's History Network has its own mailing list.
Scholars of Single Women Network: includes news, resources as well as list.
WHOM: Listserv for Women Historians of Medicine
Gender-related electronic forums
[Research Resources] [Organisations and Institutions] [Journals] [Conferences]
[E-mail lists] [Menstruation sites]
Return to:
The Hypatia Collection at the University of Exeter comes from the Hypatia Library, set up in Cornwall by Dr Melissa Hardie in 1996 to record the achievements and contributions of women world-wide in all fields of endeavour. The Hypatia Project was founded in 2017 in order to create a digital showcase of highlights from the collection; honouring the Hypatia Trust's aim to make these texts available to the widest possible audience,
The collection at Exeter is part of a larger collection (other parts can be found in Cornwall and America); the whole comprising of 'books, documents and artifacts that concern women's role in history and contemporary life'. Dedicated to documenting women's lives through research, publication, and exhibition, it includes many ephemeral titles and books on subjects and by writers traditionally excluded from the academic canon.
Women's History Carnival showcases recent blogging about women's and gender history
HOWL: History of Women's Liberation: 'The main aim of HOWL is to collect and publish the memories and stories of feminists involved in any of the many layers of the UK Women’s Liberation Movement.'
Academics’ Wives is a British Academy / Leverhulme funded research project exploring the contribution made by wives of social investigators to the foundations of social knowledge.
UK Network for all women interested in women's history.
funding research and other scholarly activity on all aspects of gender. Committed to the advancement of public understanding of gender in all social relations.
at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY
A partnership between the Universities of Kent, Keele and Westminster.
University of Wales Swansea
Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Italian Association of Woman Historians (site is in Italian) [Jan 2011 site appears to be defunct]
Roehampton University
Celebrating, exploring and debating the history of feminism
Being set up by consortium of five European universities
'an on-line, peer reviewed journal that provides a forum for scholars, activists, and students to explore the relationship between feminist theory and various forms of organizing. The journal seeks both multidisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives'
published at the University of Melbourne: 'a forum for the publication of new scholarly work by both established historians and post-graduate students. It is now published annually. While Lilith is based within the History Department at the University of Melbourne, it publishes diverse articles grounded in research undertaken in different countries. These articles deal with historical subject matter that is of interest internationally and crosses the spectrums of time periods and what is understood as 'feminist history'
'a peer-reviewed, online journal committed to publishing insightful and innovative scholarship on gender studies and nineteenth-century British literature, art and culture'
'Aspasia is an international and peer-reviewed yearbook that seeks to bring
out the best scholarship in the field of interdisciplinary women’s and
gender history focusing on, and especially produced in Central, Eastern,
and South Eastern Europe'.
'an interface between various cultures of linguistic and academic cultures and takes various topics and regional contexts into account.'
'an online publication created by students of the Sarah Lawrence College Women’s History Graduate Program. In the interest of fostering dialogue, RE/VISIONIST aims to promote a critical analysis of history and contemporary issues through the lens of multiple feminisms. We focus on the intersections of lived realities and histories, such as the experiences related to race, class, gender, sexuality, age, and ability. We strive to keep the question, 'who gets to write history?' on the table.'
'a new twice-yearly, peer-reviewed, open-access journal published online and aimed at promoting feminist scholarship across the disciplines, as well as expanding the reach and definitions of feminist research'
Western Association of Women Historians Conference
April 24-26, 2025, Costa Mesa, California
“Amatrides”: Ethics of Feminine Exile (20th-21st centuries)
24-25 April 2025, Université Catholique de l’Ouest Bretagne Sud, Vannes, France
7-9 May 2025, Ghent, Belgium
Workshop: The Sexual Politics of Liberal Internationalism, 1990s to the Present
8-9 May 2025, University of Cambridge
Workshop: Making a living, making art: Wage labour, class, and the female avant-garde, 1920-1948
15-16 May 2025, Constructor University, Bremen, Germany
May 15-17, 2025, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Body Image(s) of Women in Literature (1949-2020)
17-18 May 2025, Sichuan Sheng, China
‘Women Writing Natural Philosophy in Early Modern Europe: Spaces and Exchanges.’
2-4 June 2025, University of Exeter
p align="center">Politics & Gender Conference
28-29 May 2025, Rutgers University, NJ
Women, Men, and Other Animals: the annual conference for the International Society of Intellectual History
11-13. June 2025, Aarhus University, Denmark
Gender, Diplomacy, and Global Connections in Modern Asia
10 June 2025, Cardiff Univerity Wales
Stream 10: Feminist reclamations for emancipatory futures in life and work: International Critical Management Studies Conference
18-20 June 2025, Manchester Metropolitan University
Women and Alcohol: Dangerous Pleasures?
19-20 June 2025, University College Dublin, Ireland
Unspeakable Challenges: Southern Association for Women Historians 2025 Triennial
June 19-22, 2025, Bethune-Cookman University, Daytona Beach, Florida
"Gender and Money: Historical Approaches". A Research Workshop
19-20 June 2025, Université Paris-Cité
Thirteenth Triennial Conference on the History of Women Religious: Lives and Archives
June 22-25, 2025, University of Notre Dame, IN
Sex, Gender, and Liberation of the Jews in Eastern and Central Europe (1860–1945)
June 24–25, 2025, Uzhhorod, Ukraine
Transatlantic Literary Women Symposium
3-4 July 2025, University of Derby
Society for the History of Women in the Americas Conference 2025
11 July 2025, Leeds Beckett University and the University of Leeds
Undercover Agents: Women, Crime, and Detection in the Global Nineteenth Century
28-29 August 2025, University of St. Andrews
Women’s History Network 33rd Annual Conference: Hidden in Plain Sight: Women in Archives, Libraries, Museums and Personal Collections
4-5 September 2025, Online via Zoom
Codebreakers and Groundbreakers: Women’s Work in the Second World War
18th September 2025, Newnham College, Cambridge
Tenth International Gender and Sexuality Studies Conference: “The Past as Knowledge”
17-18 October 2025, University of Central Oklahoma
Women and the Household in the Early Modern Book Trade Conference
5-7 November 2025, Museum Plantin-Moretus, Antwerp
The Women, Gender, and Sexuality Network of the Social Science History Association (SSHA) Conference: “Complexity and its Consequences”
November 20-23, 2025, Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, IL
Masculinities, Militaries, and Mass Violence in Transition - Second International MKGD-ZMSBw Conference
22-23 January 2026, Bundeswehr Centre of Military History and Social Sciences Potsdam, Germany
Women in Photography: A 24-Hour Conference-a-thon Celebrating International Women’s Day 2026
8 March 2026, a free, online, global, 24-hour symposium
The 20th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders, and Sexualities: Conference Theme: Well-Being & Social Justice: Co-creating Kitchen Table History
24-28 June 2026 [date change], Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois CANCELLED
Perhaps more strongly orientated toward North American women's history than UK or Europe,
but definitely of interest.
INTERNET RESOURCES ON WOMEN: Using Electronic Media in Curriculum
Three extremely useful compendious, annotated and frequently updated pages by Joan Korenman
Women's history walk | Women in medicine | Useful links | My writings | Literary abortion | Reviews | Recent recommended reading |
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